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Why do I need a COMcheck for Energy Conservation? (Part Two)

Understanding what a COMcheck report looks like is the recognition that it is a form of data accumulation that is used to confirm the energy code compliance of a building. Despite the fact that the actual appearance of the documents may be somewhat different, the basic information does not change. In our continued article "Why do I need a COMcheck for Energy Conservation," let's look at the key components.

Key Components of a COMcheck Report:

Project Information:

This section provides the building’s details::
  • The name and address of the building.

  • The type of project (new construction, addition, alteration).

  • The climate zone.

  • The relevant energy code, for instance, IECC 2021.


Compliance Certificates:

These are very important documents that are used to prove whether the building is energy-code compliant or not. They are usually divided into:

Why do I need a COMcheck

Envelope Compliance:
  • Details of the walls, roof, windows, and doors including their insulation values.   

  • The calculations of the energy efficiency of the envelope, i.e., how well the envelope prevents the flow of heat.

Why do I need a COMcheck

Lighting Compliance:
  • Particulars of the interior and exterior lighting fixtures and controls.

  • The calculations of the lighting power density and the wattage that is allowed.

Why do I need a Comcheck

Mechanical Compliance:
  • Data on HVAC systems, including equipment efficiency, controls, and duct insulation.

  • Establishment of the fact that the mechanical systems of the building conform to the energy efficiency standards of the code.

Detailed Input Data:

The report may also have extensive tables and lists of the specific input data used in the calculations. This is to check on the design parameters. 


Compliance Results:
  • This is the most significant part:

  • A distinct “Pass” or “Fail” mark down for every portion (envelope, lighting, mechanical).

  • Frequently, the level of compliance is expressed as a percentage.

Plan Review Checklist:
  • This section can have checklists of items that the building inspector will be looking for to verify compliance. This can include mandatory requirements that must be met.


General Characteristics:
  •  The report is usually provided in the form of a PDF document.

  • It includes tables, charts, and text for better presentation of the information.

  • It is developed to help building officials, inspectors, and contractors with the energy code compliance verification process.


Why do I need a COMcheck for Energy Conservation?

In its simplest form, a COMcheck report is a standardized document that proves the energy efficiency of a building and its compliance with the relevant codes.

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