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Key Differences Between Reschecks for New Construction and Additions

Key Differences Between New Construction and Reschecks for Additions

A Rescheck is an important factor when it comes to energy efficiency and keeping up with building codes. Especially when the construction is new or an addition to a structure. The differences between a Rescheck for new construction and additions are important to architects, builders, and homeowners. The energy performance of a building can be optimized by following through with the specific requirements in Reschecks which will reduce its environmental impact as well as enhancing the comfort of residential buildings. We will go over how each one works and their similarities.


New Construction

When it comes to new construction, it involves evaluating the energy efficiency of a newly constructed building. Things that have to be taken into consideration are the building envelope, HVAC system, lighting and appliances.

Building Envelope Requirements

The envelope of a building is its outer shell that consist of walls, roof, foundation, windows, and doors. A rescheck report for new construction examines insulation levels and air sealing of the building envelope to make sure it’s meeting minimum standards.


When talking about additions they are usually about modifying existing structures or adding on to them. When doing this you have to take into consideration what kind of effect it’ll have on said structure.

Considerations for Existing Structures

While doing something like modifying or adding an addition to an existing structure you have to consider the already efficient energy being created by it. This could mean assessing things like insulation, air sealing, and HVAC system just so you can make sure that everything is up to par.

Similarities Between Both Types

Factors That Help Energy Efficiency

Between both types there are some common factors that help them maintain energy efficiency. Insulation levels as well as air sealing requirements are all very important in maintaining that goal.

Documentation & Compliance Processes

When dealing with documentation & compliance processes they’re very similar between both types. Both require detailed energy calculations as well as specifications of building components that will be used to comply with energy codes. The goal is to make sure that whatever the project is, it still meets the prescribed energy efficiency standards and passes any needed inspections.

Differences Between Both Types

Energy Efficiency Assessment

One of the main differences between a rescheck for new construction and additions is how big the scope of their energy efficiency assessment is. New construction involves assessing everything such as HVAC, walls, windows etc. While additions are just focused on what kind of impact it’ll have on an already existing structure.

Challenges Specific to Additions

Additions come with their own set of challenges and considerations that are specific to modifying an existing structure. Some of these challenges or considerations can include structural modifications, matching architectural styles, and addressing potential energy efficiency gaps between the existing building and the addition. It requires careful planning and coordination to ensure a successful outcome.

Compliance & Documentation Differences

While the compliance and documentation processes are similar there might be some difference in how things are done in order to get your rescheck for your new construction or addition. You have to look at local energy codes and regulations so you can understand any additional guidelines or exceptions that may apply to each type of project.


Do I need a Rescheck for new construction and additions?

Rescheck is commonly needed for new construction. They are used to make sure that the job complies with energy efficiency codes and regulations. However, the requirement can change depending on local building codes and regulations. For additions, it might be necessary for your project but not others. The scope of your project, where you are working, and the jurisdiction all play into if you need a rescheck or not. Get in touch with your local authorities or energy efficiency pros to know what you have to do.

Is an addition’s energy efficiency requirement more relaxed than what’s required in new construction?

Yes, it is. This is mainly because an addition plays a small part in an already existing structure that might not be up to standards. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Insulation Fact Sheet states that it’s encouraged to use insulation levels that match with code requirements when adding insulation to an existing home. Although these complications exist, upgrading an addition's energy efficiency while maintaining compatibility with the current structure still matters. Energy professionals can tell you which upgrades and requirements best fit your specific addition project so make sure you consult with them before making any decisions.

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